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Do you want to build a snowman? Join us for a White Winter Brunch outside in our Winter Garden! With live performances by our special guests all the way from Arendelle!
A special kids brunch menu will be available for $10 per child. Our full brunch menu will be available for adults. As well as specialty hot cocoa drinks.
For the first time in forever…. Reserve a spot in an igloo for $25 or dine outside in open air on the lawn near a heater for no cost.
We encourage guests to dress warm! Your biggest jacket, scarf, and a hat, or even bring a blanket for your lap!
Let it go!!! Space is limited. Reservations are required. Call 609-904-6485 to reserve. Seatings will be at 10am, 12pm, and 2pm.
All social distance guidelines will be strictly enforced. Masks required unless seated

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