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Join us to celebrate the life and legacy of acclaimed poet, and The Bard of Scotland, Robert Burns. This worldwide celebration is an evening to enjoy the fine things that Burns, himself loved most; Scotch Whisky & Fayre, the nostalgia of Scottish Traditions, and the importance of Friendship.
Upstairs we will host an Exclusive 3-Course Dinner Experience. Partake in a traditional Burns Supper complete with Poetry, Bagpipes, and Haggis!
*Price is $55 per Person (includes tax & gratuity). SEATING IS LIMITED! Reservations must be purchased in advance by following the link.
-A specialty Scotch Whisky Menu and full bar will be available for purchases during the event to elevate the experience.
6:45pm Cocktail Reception
7:00pm Dinner
Burns Night downstairs in The Pub will feature a specialty Whisky Menu, a Bag Pipe performance, and Entertainment by The BWB Band. No cover.
*Traditional Highland Dress is encouraged but not required.

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